Friday, August 24, 2012

Weaved T-Shirt

Hello, happy Friday!

Last night I had the honor of seeing Kelly Clarkson at Jiffy Lube Live with one of my friends, Maggie.  Stronger!  Best running/work out song.  Needless to say, it was quite a concert.  I also really liked it because The Fray was one of the opening acts.

Here I am tailgating before the show. 

Maggie and I tailgating

Plus, in preparing for the concert, I got to do one of the t-shirt projects I've been wanting to do for so long, Weaved t-shirts! 

I came upon the idea on Pinterest and found this tutorial on Youtube by Salinabear.  It's really quite simple.  All you need are nice fabric scissors, a ruler, and a screen tee.

Screen Tee (preferably a boat neck tee)
Fabric Scissors

1.  Fold the t-shirt in half with the front being on the inside and lay the t-shirt flat on the floor.

*TIP:  Be sure to pull the front of the t-shirt out of the folded half so that portion doesn't get cut as well. 

2.  Place the ruler (slanted) on the shirt so that the top of the ruler is about 1-2 inches from the seam of the sleeve and bottom of the ruler is pointing towards the middle of the shirt.  This should form a triangle. 

3.  Begin cutting the shirt vertically to the ruler (using about a pinkie width lengths) starting just below the neck.  The lines/strips should start out long and gradually get shorter and shorter as they follow the ruler down the shirt.  The more cutting, the more revealing the "V" will be in the back of the shirt.  Also, don't worry about cutting perfectly. It won't matter once the strips are stretched out and weaved.

4. Once you are done cutting the shirt, unfold it and start gently stretching out each strip so that it rolls inward.  Then, the weaving will begin at the top of the shirt.  First, take the second strip and place it over the first strip.  Then, bring it back down under the first strip.  Take the third strip and place it over the second strip and back down under it. Repeat all the way down the shirt.

5.  At the bottom take the last strip and cut it in half.  Then double knot each piece to the strip it was last crossing.  This will keep the weave from coming out.  I did two rows of weaves to make a fun pattern.  You can make as many as you'd like.    

That is it!  Here is the finished product. 

*TIP:  If you're doing more than one shirt, they're not going to look exactly alike. 


-40 Year Old Virgin

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